Removing Obstacles
To Accelerate Learning
I have over 30 years of experience in education. My specialty is pinpointing deficits and accelerating growth. I am passionate about assisting parents and children with the challenges they may face with the often confusing processes in the education setting.
Educational Credentials:
BS-Therapeutic Recreation-University of Florida
M.Ed.-Special Education-University of Florida
Licensure Credentials:
Learning Disabilities (K-12)
Reading (K-12)
Special Education-General Curriculum
Elementary Education (K-6)
National Board Certified Teacher
Professional Organizations:
Council for Exceptional Children

child-centered advocacy
If you are frustrated trying to navigate the education system while your child is struggling, I offer assistance with:
Individualized Education Plans (IEP), Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), or 504 Processes
Before our meeting I will:
-Get to know your child and their needs
-Assist you with understanding the processes
-Review your rights
-Make specific educational recommendations
-Develop an agenda for a meeting
During meetings:
-Foster collaboration and communication
between all stakeholders
-Ensure that discussions remain child
-Make specific recommendations to better
align goals to instruction
After meetings:
-Debrief and plan for what comes next
-Give recommendations for how to follow
up with the school
-Assist with drafting of any correspondence with school personnel

student evaluation
Parents rely on schools to tell them whether or not their child is performing on grade level. Often this is conveyed through Grades, End-of-Grade Scores, or Classroom measures such as I-Ready or Dibels. While these are important, providing more comprehensive and in-depth information through a standardized evaluation will provide a clearer picture of your child's academic achievement.
The WIAT-4 (Wechler Individual Achievement Test) Evaluates:
-Dyslexia Indicator
Informal assessments will be used to:
-Pinpoint where intervention
should begin.
-Where the gaps are in learning.
Reports (when requested) Will:
-be Comprehensive
-provide evidence-based
-present a clear picture of
strengths and weaknesses

evidence based tutoring
All students can learn if the support given to them is properly aligned with their needs. I provide:
*Prescriptive Tutoring
*Intensive Multi-Sensory Approaches
*Research-Based Methods for Reading:
-Wilson (Orton-Gillingham approach)
-Other strategy based methods
*Multi-Sensory Math Interventions
*Online Tutoring available based on
subject and approach used

Mrs. Kuhn has been one of the most influential educators in my daughter's life thus far. Her patience and understanding of every child's individuality are one of the many factors that set her aside from all others. We will never be able to thank her enough for what she has done for our daughter.
-Melissa C.

Leslie always pushes for her students to get the help they need in their best environment. She was great support for me as a parent. Both of my children pushed through their struggles with her help and are now A and B Students. She has a big heart for helping any child that is struggling and I'm very thankful for that both personally and professionally.
-Lori H.

"We are beyond thankful for all that Mrs. Kuhn taught our daughter!! She taught her strategies that Hailey has carried with her and continues to use. Mrs. Kuhn can reach any child and does so with compassion and education tailored to your child's specific needs."
-Abby S.

Mrs. Kuhn advocated with the testing administrators at the district level for our daughter to be tested for Dyslexia. She modified her teaching methods based on our daughter’s learning needs. If it wasn’t for Mrs. Kuhn's determination, we don’t know if our daughter would have been able to graduate.
Barbara S.